IB Internal Assessment

How to Write a Perfect Maths Internal Assessment

It is no secret that Maths IA is one of the central elements of your assessment, and perhaps, the most challenging one. On one hand, it allows you to take the role of an independent researcher,…
IB Internal Assessment math ia ideas

50 Unique IA Maths Topics Ideas that Actually Work

Internal Assessment (IA) is a crucial component of your IB Maths journey. As exciting as an independent investigation may be, many struggle from the very beginning: finding the perfect topic is harder than it seems. If…
Maths IB IB Math courses

IB Maths AA vs Maths AI: What’s The Difference?

The IB Diploma Programme makes Mathematics a compulsory subject for all students. However, not all high-schoolers have the same relationship with numbers. Some enjoy learning abstract concepts and solving equations, while others would like to see…
Maths IB Standard or Higher IB Math Level

Which IB Maths Level Should You Choose?

Mathematics is a compulsory subject in the IB Diploma Programme. This means that even if numbers aren't your strong suit, you cannot skip Maths altogether. However, you do get to make some choices. Firstly, you can…
Maths IB ib mathematics

Everything You Need to Know About IB Maths

The International Baccalaureate is known for its rigour and comprehensive approach to education. When it comes to IB Maths, it is no different. Many mistakenly think that Mathematics is only about memorising formulas and crunching numbers.…
Maths IB Graphing Calculator for IB Math

How to Pick the Perfect GDC for Your IB Maths?

A graphic calculator for IB Maths, used properly, can make a big difference and help you score higher in your final exams. But which one to choose for your classes? While every student will have their…
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