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My son will finish his exams at the end of the next week, he has been accepted in Netherlands to do a bachelor in Physics. Thank you very much for all your help.  And thank also Albena for the marvellous job she made with him. He was so happy to study with her. She is an extraordinary math teacher and he loved very much to study with her.

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How to Write IB English Language and Literature Paper 1

In this article, we talk about how to write IB English Paper 1 to impress the examiner and maximise your score. IB English Paper 1 analysis is the initial stage of your assessment, contributing a significant…
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How to choose your Maths IA topic

The Maths IA accounts for a big chunk of your final score (20%). Plus, if you do well, these points are in the bag before you even step into the exam hall. You can see why…
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5 reasons why it’s a mistake to do the IB

I am constantly frustrated by the number of students we work with who struggle with the IB Diploma when there are other options.  Students find it tough for many different reasons, but for all of them there is an alternative, if only they would look for it.  Yes, choosing a…
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