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IB Internal Assessment

How to Write a Perfect Maths Internal Assessment

It is no secret that Maths IA is one of the central elements of your assessment, and perhaps, the most challenging one. On one hand, it allows you to take the role of an independent researcher,…
IB retake ib exams

IB Exam Retakes: All You Need to Know

Sometimes, things don’t go as planned. How many of us carefully prepared for our exams but received worse grades than we hoped for? It can be a shock and a huge disappointment. The good news is…
Maths IGCSE boy leaning on blackboard

IGCSE Maths Revision Tips To Help You Today

IGCSE Maths revision can be tough. This makes finding the right approach for the upcoming exams extremely important. So whether you are stuck, or just want to look for ideas to put a final polish on…
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