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Which IB Biology Option Is Easiest?

With limited time and a heavy course load, you might be wondering which IB Biology Option is the easiest. You know one of the course’s requirements is to choose an "Option" topic for further study, and…
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Coronavirus and home school: 7 tips for parents

Updated 11th May 2020 A few weeks ago there was huge anxiety amongst our children regarding Coronavirus. Now that many are returning to school, new fears will surely surface. Remind yourself on some important factors when…
Advice for Parents Foot stepping in gum

5 reasons why it’s a mistake to do the IB

I am constantly frustrated by the number of students we work with who struggle with the IB Diploma when there are other options.  Students find it tough for many different reasons, but for all of them there is an alternative, if only they would look for it.  Yes, choosing a…
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