IB Economics tutors to boost grades

We can’t stop you worrying about your child’s IB Maths, but we can help with our certified IB teachers & examiners

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20 Years
Trusted in Switzerland & Worldwide
40 Subjects
Across all international programs
18 Years
Tutor’s average teaching experience

Which teacher or examiner will be your IB Economics tutor?

100% of online tutors are certified teachers or examiners
Each tutor background checked & vetted
All tutors personally interviewed
  • Attila

    Teaching experience: 20+ years
    Attila has over 30 years of international teaching experience. Specialising in Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Business Management, and Accounting. He is a trusted TutorsPlus tutor for over 10 years, and expertly guides students to achieve excellent results.


    • Business Management
    • Chemistry
    • Economics
    • Maths
    • Physics


    • A Level
    • AP
    • IB
    • IGCSE
    • Swiss Matu
    • University
    • Certified Teacher
  • Nahuel

    Teaching experience: 5 – 10 years

    Nahuel is a Politics and Economics University teacher, and has been an IB Global Politics examiner since 2020. Having worked internationally in Argentina, Uruguay, Spain, and France, he focuses on fostering deep comprehension and helping students apply their knowledge in practical case studies.


    • Economics
    • Global Politics


    • IB
    • Middle School
    • University
    • Certified Teacher
    • IB Examiner
  • Victoria

    Teaching experience: 10+ years

    Victoria is a certified teacher, with experience at prestigious schools across Europe. She is currently the lead IB teacher for Business Management, an accredited IB examiner, and a supervisor for Internal Assessments and Extended Essays. She is also experienced teaching IGCSE and A Level Economics.


    • Business Management
    • Economics


    • A Level
    • IB
    • IGCSE
    • Certified Teacher
    • IB Examiner
  • Sara D

    Teaching experience: 10+ years

    Sara has been teaching Business Management and Economics since 2014. With a “real world” business background, she now teaches IGCSE, A Level, and IB curricula, expertly guiding students through Internal Assessments and Extended Essays to help them do their best in their final exams.


    • Business Management
    • Economics


    • A Level
    • IB
    • IGCSE
    • Certified Teacher
    • IA Moderator
  • Adam

    Teaching experience: 20+ years

    Adam is a dynamic, Business and Economics tutor with over 20 years of experience. An IB examiner and supervisor, he fosters wellbeing, mastery, and purpose in his students, helping them exceed goals, enjoy their studies, and get the best results possible in the all important final exams.


    • Business Management
    • Economics


    • IB
    • Certified Teacher
    • IB Examiner

How it works

1. Contact us

Take 30 seconds to let us know what you need, so we can help boost grades and confidence fast.

2. Tutor match

We have flexible tuition options to fit busy schedules. Pick day, evening, or weekend tuition with your certified teacher.

3. Free trial

Get to know your tutor with a free trial, no obligation. Then we start building towards better grades together.

Our recipe for success

Personalised learning

Our tutors swiftly identify areas for improvement, employing diverse teaching methods tailored to each student’s needs.

Why parents choose TutorsPlus?

  • Satisfaction guaranteed

    Our tutors are teachers & examiners, and highly experienced, but if you are not 100% satisfied, we offer a free trial with a new tutor.

  • Fast and efficient service

    Our Education Advisors are available throughout your time tutoring with us for any questions, help, or assistance you need.

  • Flexible tuition to fit busy schedules

    Tutoring where you want it when you want it across the Geneva, Lausanne, Basel, Zurich & Zug regions, and globally online.

Happy parents and students

Frequently asked questions

How does online IB Economics tutoring work?

At TutorsPlus, we unlock the full potential of online IB Economics tutoring. We employ several interactive digital tools to ensure great communication between students and tutors during their online IB Economics tutoring sessions. Our approach to teaching economics embraces one-on-one mentoring and collaborative activities for an effective learning experience. For an efficient and engaging learning experience, we utilise digital whiteboards, shared documents, and problem-solving applications.

The true advantage of online tutoring lies in its flexibility. You can easily schedule study sessions around your existing commitments. Plus, our online tutoring sessions are organised around your specific requirements, making it simple to tackle revision, your IA or tricky parts of the IB Economics curriculum. Finally, it gives you access to our team of talented IB Economics teachers and examiners. With years and often decades of training and teaching experience, they know how to help you improve your IB scores.

How can I find the best IB Economics tutor?

TutorsPlus can connect you with the perfect tutor to improve your grades and boost your confidence. Here, we do our best to understand each student’s unique needs and goals. After considering your current skills and areas for improvement, we’ll carefully match you with the ideal tutor from our pool of experienced IB teachers and examiners.

Getting started is simple. Just leave your contact details on our website, and a member of the TutorsPlus team will help match you with the best tutor. Whether you need online or face-to-face tutoring, we ensure students have the best IB Economics tutor to support their learning and improve results.

How quickly can you find an IB Economics tutor for me?

We are proud of our turnaround time in finding the most suitable IB tutors for students. The waiting period is usually within 24 hours, but in some cases, we can find you a great tutor within an hour. That said, we do everything it takes to pick an IB Economics tutor as quickly as possible, as we know how crucial timely tutoring can be for success.

What is included in the IB Economics tutoring programme at TutorsPlus?

Our IB Economics tutoring programme can tackle any area of the curriculum, delving into real-world applications of microeconomic, macroeconomic, and global economic theories. Whether you’re aiming to fill gaps in your learning of core concepts, master exam techniques for the external assessment, or develop strong analytical and research skills to excel in your Internal Assessment, our IB tutors will help you succeed.

Understanding that each student learns differently, our IB Economics tutors personalise their approach. They identify areas where you can strengthen knowledge and provide focused support for challenging concepts. At the same time, you’ll learn valuable exam techniques and strategies through practice with past exam papers during revision sessions.

How many Economics tutoring sessions will I need?

TutorsPlus strongly emphasises flexibility in our tutoring sessions, and everything depends on what you need help with. We will tailor the tutoring sessions to your goals and requirements, so there is no exact number of lessons you need to take. You don’t have to enter a contract for ongoing lessons, either.

If you just need a little help with your IA, a few lessons could be enough to get you covered. In contrast, some students prefer weekly tuition throughout the course for continuous learning support.

Are the IB Economics tutors at TutorsPlus highly qualified?

Yes, TutorsPlus recruits highly qualified IB Economics educators via a thorough selection process. We interview each tutor, perform extensive background checks and only work with teachers who have a strong commitment to do the best for their students. Our teaching team has an exceptional academic background in economics and IB teaching qualifications.

We understand that a strong student-tutor match is equally important. It is one of the reasons we strive to develop a pool of tutors with diverse specialities and skill sets. Therefore, no matter your area of focus in economics or IB exam strategies, TutorsPlus will match you with the perfect tutor to guide you on your path to success.

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