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John L

Teaching experience: 20+ years
  • IB Business Management Examiner


  • Business Management


  • A Level
  • IB
  • Certified Teacher
  • EE Moderator
  • IA Moderator
  • IB Examiner
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With over three decades' experience teaching Business-related subjects both face to face and online, I combine outstanding subject knowledge with real world examples to improve students’ motivation and grades. I teach iGCSE and A Level Business Studies as well as IB Business Management, for which I have been an IB Examiner since 1999. Over my extensive career, I have guided countless IB students through their Internal Assessments and Extended Essays to improved results.

"John has been an amazing tutor for Business, He was always willing to help. He provided wide variety of sources for revision and to help guide me in the sections I needed to improve. He would go out of his way to help and find the time when I needed him." - IB2 Business Management student.

Teaching experience and approach:

I hold two master's degrees, one in Industrial Engineering and the other in Operations Research, as well as a bachelor’s in Mathematics and Economics. Over my career I have worked as a lecturer and dean of studies at university level as well as over two decades of secondary school level teaching. I act as an advisor to small and medium sized businesses in my home country and use this industry experience to bring my teaching into the real world, making learning more relevant and meaningful. My students appreciate how I always go the extra mile to help them achieve their goals.


  • MSc Industrial Engineering
  • MSc Operations Research
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