Learning English A: Language and Literature is about engaging with various text types. You won’t be surprised to learn that this means more than simply reading them. The most important thing is that you are able to understand and analyse them, as well as express your own opinions about them. To help streamline your analytical process, the International Baccalaureate has seven key concepts in English А course:
- Communication;
- Creativity;
- Perspective;
- Representation;
- Identity;
- Culture;
- Transformation.
In this post, we take a look at each of these concepts in turn and discuss why they are important.
Why Key Concepts Matter?
The seven key concepts in English A: Language and Literature provide guidance for analysing both literary texts and non-literary materials. Their goal is to help take a deeper dive into the complex nature of language, culture, and human expression.
You can use these concepts as a thread to connect the various elements of your coursework. Instead of viewing language and literature as isolated pieces, you’ll see how they intertwine and affect one another.
Along with this, thanks to the seven IB English concepts, it is easier to identify and understand underlying themes, structures, and techniques in literary works. They facilitate critical thinking as well. You can rely on them to analyse texts from different perspectives and develop your own creative interpretations.
The key concepts are also important for Paper 1 and Paper 2, as well as for your IA. While you don’t have to explicitly reference them, the fact that you consider these concepts showcases that you understand the requirements of the course and are able to effectively apply them in your analytical and creative work.
Last but not least, these concepts will come in handy in your life outside of school. You can apply them to various aspects of your life, from analysing media to understanding cultural nuances.
All in all, the seven concepts in English A are more than tools for learning. Rather, they are a foundation for developing a well-rounded understanding of English language and literature.
Overview of the English A: Language & Literature Concepts
Now that you know how important these concepts are, let us explain what each of them means.
Communication lies at the heart of the study of language and literature. It explores how writers convey ideas and meanings using language.
Authors rely on various techniques and devices to communicate their message to readers. However, understanding an author’s true intent can sometimes be challenging. This is because interpretations tend to vary between readers depending on their cultural and personal lenses. Therefore, it is important to consider such factors as audience, purpose and context to understand how authors get their messages across and how communication shapes both texts and societies.
Overall, the Language and Literature course aims to develop students’ ability to examine this complex exchange of meaning between writers and readers.
Creativity is a fundamental aspect of human nature, and it’s particularly evident in literature and language. Although writers put pen to paper for various reasons, their creative choices are crucial in crafting meaning. That’s why, when analysing texts, it’s important to consider why an author made specific decisions. After all, we have over a million words to choose from, which makes each choice significant.
In the context of IB English Literature and Language, the concept of creativity encourages students to explore originality in various forms. Understanding these creative choices can help develop an appreciation for their inventive ways as well as discover how they shape interpretation and meaning.
Every text has a unique writer’s viewpoint, which may be different from yours. This contrast can let you see the world around you in a new light. For instance, a character’s experiences can help you discover the things you’ve never noticed before. In a similar way, narrative techniques impact how readers understand a story.
Oftentimes, readers can have contradicting interpretations of the same text. If we try to explore these different viewpoints, we have a chance to develop empathy and appreciation for diverse experiences.
Overall, it’s fascinating to consider how an author’s background, beliefs, and cultural context influence their writing.
Representation opens a window into how writers view the world. They make deliberate choices when depicting people, places, and ideas in their texts. Besides reflecting the authors’ perspective, they also highlight society’s values and biases.
When we study texts, we also engage in a dialogue about how the world works and how it could be. This exploration prompts us to think critically about the representations we encounter.
In IB English Literature and Language, you have a chance to take a critical look at these representations. You can do this through questions like: ‘How does the author portray certain characters or ideas? Why did they choose this particular representation? Is it a fair representation?’
Ultimately, studying representation helps us become more discerning readers and thinkers.
Identity in literature is a powerful lens through which we can see both the writer’s and our own sense of self. Authors often infuse their work with aspects of their own identity (such as race, gender, class, and cultural background) to create a unique fingerprint in their writing. Thanks to this personal style, we tend to view their works as more authentic and relatable.
Readers often gravitate towards characters who resemble themselves. At the same time, strong, diverse characters can challenge us to see the world differently. This dual effect of familiarity and novelty makes literature a tool for self-discovery and growth. In the end, it can help us understand not just who we are, but also who we might become.
Culture and literature are inseparable. Culture shapes literature, and literature, in turn, influences culture. Therefore, works of literature are sort of portals into different eras and places. Simultaneously, they provide a glimpse into bygone societal norms and values. But literature doesn’t just mirror culture; it can also mould it. Powerful words have the ability to change perspectives and even spark societal shifts.
So, through the lens of culture, you are able to explore how literature engages with, contributes to, or confronts society and its conventions. After all, texts are not isolated works, they are part and also a product, of a broad cultural tapestry.
Transformation in literature is a dynamic process that breathes new life into existing texts.
The meanings of words may evolve over time. Due to shifts in culture, norms of society, and historical perspectives, we might look at older texts in a different way. At the same time, these older creations can inspire new ones. For example, a classic novel might spark a modern film or graphic novel adaptation, which reaches a whole new audience.
This transformation works both ways. While our perspective may change the meanings of words, they also change us. A powerful story can shift our perspective, challenge our beliefs, or expand our worldview. This mutual transformation emphasises the living nature of literature.
Although it should be easy to understand each of these IB English concepts individually, they don’t exist separately from each other. Quite the opposite in fact – they are intertwined. Not understanding the interconnectedness of key concepts in English A will hinder your progress and limit your understanding as you prepare for your final assessment.
Do you need help with improving your conceptual understanding? Do you want to apply them more effectively in your analytical work? TutorsPlus is at your disposal. Thanks to our IB English tutors and their expert guidance, you can achieve your academic goals and genuinely enjoy the learning process.
Don’t let challenging concepts hold you back. Contact us at 022 731 8148 or info@tutorsplus.com to learn more about our tutoring services and schedule a consultation.
By Sara Lloyd
Sara has been an education consultant for TutorsPlus for 15 years, and is an expert on international IB education. She is also a parent of two lively children.