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Meet Diana, our expert English and IELTS tutor in Geneva

July 13, 2020 3 min read
Diana IELTS teacher

Top tips from Diana our IELTS expert 

Diana, our resident IELTS expert, talks to us about her passion for teaching, how she enjoys incorporating mindfulness practices into her lessons her love of gardening… And of course, how to get the score you need in your IELTS exam….

What are your top IELTS exam tips? 
  • It’s important to start ‘turning’ on the English part of your brain. Making a snack? Put on the news in English or listen to a podcast. Commuting to school? Read an article or a book in English. The further in advance of the IELTS test you can do this, the better. 
  • Get familiar with the format of the IELTS exam so you know what to expect. 
  • Develop strategies to deal with different IELTS question types. 
  • Learn templates for the different kinds of writing tasks you may be asked e.g. a letter, a discursive essay, summarising, describing and analysing a diagram or graph. 
  • Become familiar with planning for each piece of writing and know how long you should spend on each question. Get used to skim reading (reading for the general idea of a text) and detailed reading whereby you take time to understand the vocabulary. 
  • Practice IELTS sample papers under timed conditions. (You can find resources here.) 
What is your IELTS tutoring approach? 

 My specialty is IELTS exam preparationTutoring IELTS is a learning experience in connecting with students, meeting their needs, increasing their vocabulary, improving their writing and giving them speaking strategies.   

 Tutoring is a vocation for me, giving me the chance to practice mindfulness and attentiveness on a daily basis and hopefully transmit those values to the students I work with. 

IB student writing an exam

What is the most common challenge you see your IELTS students face? 

 With the IELTS, my students in Geneva usually have a score in mind that they need to gain admission to a particular university. Working towards achieving this IELTS score whilst at the same time keeping the lessons fun and engaging is important and I often have to remind my students that it’s important to enjoy ourselves along the way! 

 Learning English is so much more than just memorising grammar rules and vocabulary. One of the most challenging aspects of learning I see in my students is developing the ability to express themselves, their opinions, and to be more aware and conscious in English.  

IELTS or TOEFL, which is easier? 

Well, the short answer is that neither the IELTS nor the TOEFL is necessarily easier, rather the 2 tests serve different purposes.  

The IELTS is a British English test and is more readily accepted by universities in the U.K, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, whereas the TOEFL was designed in the U.S and itherefore accepted by U.S Universities. 

Therefore, I usually advise students aiming for U.S institutions to take the TOEFL, and those planning on studying at U.K, and commonwealth universities to take the IELTS 

Students should also be aware that the format of the TOEFL test is quite different from the IELTS. 

What would we find you doing when you’re not tutoring for the IELTS test? 

 I’m often in my garden attending to my plants, harvesting my vegetables and picking my flowers, which I consider to be a mindful experience, grounding me and making me happy. 

Learn English Books
What is your most memorable tutoring experience? 

There are so many, but last year every single one of my candidates achieved the IELTS score they needed. I was so proud of them and this was a very rewarding moment both for myself and for my students 

This year’s cohort have just taken the IELTS exam and I am confident they will also achieve the results they need. They have worked so hard.  

 Diana is our IELTS expert, specialises in IELTS exam preparation 

She provides support for students from pre-school right through to secondary school level and beyond. 

To book IELTS expert tuition online with Diana or face to face tutoring in Geneva, or to find out more about how TutorsPlus can tutor you to maximise their IELTS score, click  here.  Diana tutors by the hour or is happy to create intensive courses in the run up to the final IELTS test.

You can also give us a call on 022 731 81 48 or email us  



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