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Uncategorised Student revising

Tips on how to find the best IB revision course

  At first glance, it may seem that a revision course is about doing the impossible. After all, how do you condense a whole two years of the IB diploma into a two-day course? Whilst at…
Advice for Parents

IB or A Levels: What’s the Difference and Which is Best to Choose for the Future?

Both the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme and A-Levels have been around for decades as strong choices for high school education programmes. Both are highly acclaimed worldwide and can pave the way to the best universities. …
German IB B student reads book

IB German Ab Initio Guide

Students who’d like to learn German as part of their IB often wonder what German language course options are, and want a German Ab Initio guide to break it down. Moreover, they are curious about how…
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