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I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful experience that we have had with Tutorplus and for the professional and kind way in which you conduct business.
Ashley has been consistent, trustworthy, kind and absolutely the perfect tutor for Talitha who has had a great year academically, growing in confidence and taking responsibility! Ashley has played a huge part in this.

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IB Internal Assessment

How to Write a Perfect Maths Internal Assessment

It is no secret that Maths IA is one of the central elements of your assessment, and perhaps, the most challenging one. On one hand, it allows you to take the role of an independent researcher,…
Maths IB IB Math courses

IB Maths AA vs Maths AI: What’s The Difference?

The IB Diploma Programme makes Mathematics a compulsory subject for all students. However, not all high-schoolers have the same relationship with numbers. Some enjoy learning abstract concepts and solving equations, while others would like to see…
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Help! My child doesn’t want to go to school… 

“Mum, I don’t want to go to school. I don’t like school.” We’ve all said it, and as parents, we’ve all heard it, but what I didn’t realise before having a ‘school resistant’ (my words) child,…
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