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Advice for Parents Summer Learning

Getting the most out of summer learning

Students, teachers, and parents - we’re all looking for a well-deserved summer break, more sunshine and longer hours of daylight. But it can also be a challenge to have the kids at home for such a…
Spanish IGCSE Spanish IGCSE teacher

IGCSE Spanish Tips From The Experts – Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening

Preparing for the IGCSE Spanish exam can often be overwhelming, as it requires mastering a wide range of vocabulary and grammar. Indeed, memorising countless words and rules may seem like a daunting prospect. However, we have…
English IB concepts in English А

Key Concepts in English А: Language & Literature

Learning English A: Language and Literature is about engaging with various text types. You won’t be surprised to learn that this means more than simply reading them. The most important thing is that you are able…
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