Biology IB IB Biology Internal Assessment

IB Biology IA Marking Criteria – How To Use It For A Top Score

As an IB Biology student, you should know that your final grade isn't just based on the final exam. A full 20% comes from your Internal Assessment (IA). Naturally, you want it to be a success,…
Biology IB IB Biology Internal Assessment Student Smiling

How to Write Your IB Biology Internal Assessment

Performing well on the IA requires careful planning, research, experimentation, analysis, and writing. In this guide, we will walk you through the key steps to write your IB Biology Internal Assessment. After all, the internal assessment…
Biology IB students sitting exam

The secret to IB Biology exam success

We have worked with the TutorsPlus IB Biology Teachers and Examiners to give you their best advice so that you can get the best marks and Biology IB exam success Looking through all the advice this…
Biology IB group of IB biology students

IB Biology Paper 2 – best revision tips from the experts

Now the is pressure on, and revision is underway. We thought you would appreciate advice from our IB Biology experts - our IB teachers and IB examiners themselves - with tips on how to help with…
Biology IB Biology Experiments

Meet Wendy, our expert IB Biology tutor

Our TutorsPlus IB Biology and IGCSE Science expert, Wendy, tells us about her fascinating life in Costa Rica and shares some valuable advice on time management and handling stress What is a day in the life…
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